In this article you will learn how to add/edit multiple lists in QuickBooks Desktop. To know more, contact QuickBooks Desktop.
- To add and edit multiple customers, vendors, and items you can use this option. This option cannot be used to import transactions (invoices, bills, etc…) as it is for list information (name, description, etc.) .
- Select Add/Edit Multiple List Entries from the Lists menu.
- Click on the List dropdown and then select the list with which you want to work.
- To see a particular record, filter the list .
- (This step is Optional) To choose which columns you want to see in the Add/Edit Multiple List Entries window, select the Customize Columns button. You can easily work on the columns that you need by doing this. To return to the preset columns for the list, click on the Default button .
- To add lists: Select a column from the left pane and then click on Add.
- To remove lists: Select a column from the right panel and then click on Remove.
- In case you wish to rearrange the column order, select the column from the right pane and then click on Move Up or Move Down.
- Click on Ok. Please Note: Columns like customer or vendor name should be added, and these cannot be removed. You can only make changes in their order.
- By clicking the appropriate fields, add or edit the entries. Please Note: You can copy (by pressing Ctrl+C) data from Excel and then paste the same (by pressing Ctrl+V) into this window. To Copy down and duplicate rows, highlight any field and then click on Copy Down and Duplicate Row)
- Click on Save Changes.
You will receive a warning after saving your changes informing you the number of records saved. If there are errors that need to be fixed, QuickBooks will tell you that also.
Follow the steps to fix the errors:
- In any field to see what the error is, click or hover your mouse.
- To fix the errors, update the record .
- Click on Save Changes.
- Now, until all errors are fixed repeat the process.
- Please Note: You can save the changes that you have made so far if you don’t want to fix an error and then click on Close without making any changes further.
- Remember, QuickBooks will not save the any changes that you have made which contain errors.
To know more on how to add/edit multiple lists in QuickBooks Desktop, call on our QuickBooks desktop support number. You can also write to us at . For more information visit – .
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