QuickBooks Error 6000 301 occurs at the time of accessing business file in QuickBooks generic accounting software. This QuickBooks Error 6000 301 usually pops out an error message.
Causes of QuickBooks Error -6000 -301
QuickBooks Error -6000 -301 this error code can be seen due to following reasons:
- When one or more QuickBooks support files are corrupted.
- When any user tries to start company file (.qbw [QuickBooks for windows] extension) which is located in hard disk.
- When encrypted software installed when that particular company file is stored in hard disk.
- Corruption of single or multi files of QuickBooks Desktop Support. Files can be :
- ND Files(The Network Descriptor)
- TLG(The Transaction Log files)
- DSN(The Data Source Name Files)
Effects that can be seen after QuickBooks Error -6000 -301
- After this error user won’t have access to damaged company file.
- Users or clients have to recreate or manage again all the company files.
- User has to download QuickBooks Desktop Support files.
- Users will suffer from usage of excess data and time management.
How to resolve QuickBooks Error -6000 -301
Question arises when we know about error and its effects still we are not resolving it. Here we QuickBooks Customer Support is providing you the complete solution of resolving Quickbooks Error -6000 -301.
- Update QuickBooks software which will resolve all the errors or issues encountered at the time of getting through QuickBooks.
- Open the folder which is containing company files.
- User or clients should look for file extension with(.nd, .tlg, .dsn).
- User should rename all files with .OLD extension so that all files will be recreated automatically.
- Users should download and install QuickBooks File Doctor.
- After this user should look out for icons which are not opened automatically.
- Then, users need to select both “File Mange” and “Network Connectivity”.
- Now, fill all the network authentication details (“admin user id and password”).
- Users need to choose workstation correctly. If user is running QuickBooks File Doctor on workstation then client has to select workstation and if he is running QuickBooks File Doctor on server select server.
- At last, users should disable all encrypted software’s run by third party encryption software.
We really hope that this post managed to resolve your QuickBooks Error -6000 -301 on your own for advanced functioning. Our technical team will make sure to find out more such errors you come across.If you still face any kind of issue related to this error feel free to contact QuickBooks Customer Support number as our support team is available 24X7 or you can directly mail us at support@quickbooksupport.net.
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