Today we will discuss with the help of this blog that how one can resolve crash catcher displaying while you are using QuickBooks for Mac. This crash catcher error occurs an unexpected issue which can damage the display of QuickBooks Application. We can fix and prevent the issue with the help of QuickBooks Desktop Support Expert. We will show you how to fix it by following given solution:
Solution 1: Users need to restart their computer machine.
While working on QuickBooks Desktop sometimes get stuck. Then we will recommend you to reboot your computer machine in order to give it a fresh start.
Solution 2: Users need to make sure QuickBooks is up to date.
If you are using QuickBooks and it receives software updates from time to time. Then you can update to the latest release version to make sure that you have all the software improvements and bug fixes.
Solution 3: User may use verify and rebuild utility.
Users can also use the verify utility to identify if there is anything that needs to fix or resolve. However, the rebuild utility help to fix issues, if found.
- First, navigate to File menu, then select Utilities.
- Next click & select verify data. If a problem is detected:
- Navigate to File menu, then select Utilities.
- Click & select Rebuild Data.
- You can run Verify Data again.
- Still, if any problem detects then you need to restore a backup.
Solution 4: User can run their computer in Safe Boot mode.
If you are getting the crash catcher error then this can create issues between QuickBooks and something installed on your computer machine, then you need to follow the few given steps:
- First, reboot your computer machine.
- Next press the Power button, then press and hold the Shift key until you see your Desktop machine.
- Then unzip QuickBooks and perform the same task you were trying to complete before the crash catcher error show.
- Come back to normal mode by rebooting your computer machine without pressing anything.
- Anyhow, if any issue persists in normal mode, then you may contact an IT professional.
Solution 5: User can add new mac OS user
If any point of time, you need to determine if the permission of the user is causing the error, then you can create a new one by following the given steps below:
- First, click & select the Apple menu, then choose System Preferences.
- Next click & select the Users & Groups icon.
- Now select the + button to add a new user with Administrator permissions.
- Log in with this new user.
- After that unzip QuickBooks, then try to reproduce the issue.
Solution 6: User can remove. plist files.
We will recommend you all to remove the existing. plist file for QuickBooks in order to create a new one. This will ensure that the file isn’t damaged, but if in case of removing, you need to set up all the preferences.
Step 1: Remove User. plist files
- First, navigate to your Desktop machine.
- Next, select go from finder menu and then press and hold the Option key.
- Then choose Library, then choose the Preferences folder.
- Now, search. plist files with QuickBooks and your version in the name.
Example: com. intuits. QuickBooks2019.plist - After that, transfer the files you found to the trash.
- At last, you need to empty the trash after you finish moving the files.
Step 2: Remove System. plist files
- First, unzip finder, then choose Macintosh HD.
- Next choose Library, then choose the Preferences folder.
- Find the. plist files with QuickBooks and your version in the name.
Example: com. intuits. QuickBooks2019.plist - Transfer the files that you found to the trash.
- You can empty the trash after you finish moving the files
- At last, you can restart your computer machine.
We hope that the above given information in this blog will be useful for users in each and every possible manner to know how to how to resolve Crash Catcher displaying when using QuickBooks for Mac with the help of our QuickBooks support Number. If you left with any issue then you can also initiate for a toll-free number call via visiting to our website, there our experts will provide instant solutions to the problem related to QuickBooks.