You receive an error code in the following format: 00000 XXXXX. Depending on what you are attempting to do in Payroll and the version and release of QuickBooks used, the error code will change. They can appear as “Error: QuickBooks Payroll Setup – Error Code: XXXXX” or “Unrecoverable Error: Error Code: XXXXX.” The codes can range from 00000 00001 to 00000 99999.
These errors occur when a file name in the Vendor or Employee Center, or on a timesheet, contains a special character or when there is a duplicate entry for an employee’s name. :
- 00002 71328
- 00002 20123
- 00000 17002
- 00000 38049
- 00000 88579
- 00000 38772
- 00000 97340
- 00000 88703
- 00000 40370
Additional errors:
- 00000 99867
- 00000 88703
- 00000 34289
Read below to resolve this issue:
- With the prompt of error message on your screen, click the View Report link from the error window. Another window appears with a partial view of the failure’s details.
- Locate and open the file ReportHeader.xml by double-clicking on the file name from the list in the window. The file should open up in Internet Explorer.
a. If it does not open, record the location of the file ReportHeader.xml.
b. With Windows Explorer, go to the location for the Reportheader.xml file and open the file ReportHeader.xml by right-clicking and choosing Open in a new window. This opens the file in Internet Explorer.
- Hold down CTRL F on your keyboard to open the search box then type Exception String 0 in the search field.
The statement after Exception String 0 in the report will indicate where the error is coming from and you should therefore make the necessary changes to correct it.
- View the examples of Exception String 0 statements below to resolve this error:
<Name>Exception String 0</Name> <Value>System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: “alabama real estate research and education” Key being added: “alabama real estate research and education” at System.Collections.SortedList.Add…</Value>
To resolve this issue:
- From the top menu bar, click Vendors > Vendor Center.
- Find the Vendor Alabama real estate research and education. It will be listed at least twice.
- Rename the duplicate with a unique name so that each vendor has a different name. To edit the vendor, double-click on the vendor name and follow the prompts to save the changes.
Example: <Name>Exception String 0</>Name> <Value>System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridRangeInfo..ctor(Int32 top, Int32 left, Int32 bottom, Int32 right) at Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridRangeInfo.InternalCells(Int32 top, Int32 left, Int32 bottom, Int32 right)…</Value>
A payroll item has a value beyond what was expected. This could be a decimal points difference to a dollar amount added or changed in one of the Payroll items or in the employee setup. Using the Payroll Checkup to locate and update the value that does not fall within the expected range can assist in troubleshooting.
<Name>Exception String 0</Name> <Value>System.Exception: exception thrown in background thread – > System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: ‘(unnamed employee)’ Key being added: ‘(unnamed employee)’ at System.Collections.SortedList.Add(Object key, Object value) at.
The cause of this error there are duplicate employee names in the employee list. To resolve this issue you need to remove duplicate names for employees in the Employee Center:
- From the top menu bar, click Employees > Employee Center.
- Set the View drop-down to All Employees to include inactive employees.
- Locate and delete duplicate employee names by right mouse clicking on the duplicate name and choosing Delete Employee.
- If you are unable to delete a duplicate employee because of associated payroll transactions, move the transactions to the first employee listed with that name and then try deleting the duplicate employee again. If there are no payroll transactions for the employee, time card data may be corrupted. Go to Employees > Enter Time and look for any entries that contain odd or invalid characters.
This error may also indicate duplicate payroll items in the Payroll Item List. Review the Payroll Item List for any duplicates and remove.
System.Exception: exception thrown in background thread. System.ArgumentException; Item has already been added. Key in dictionary. “(unnamed employee)” “the specified special account exists already”
Error is caused by blank characters on employee names in the Employee Center. Character could be a space placed in front of an employee name or names only entered into the Print On Check As field in the Employee Profile.
To resolve this issue:
- From the top menu bar, click Employees > Employee Center.
- Set the View drop-down to All Employees to include inactive employees.
- Review all employee name setups to remove unneeded spaces and fill in all First Name and Last Name fields manually.
Intuit.Spc.Foundations.Portability.SpcfIllegalArgumentException:Arguments have invalid values. at
Intuit.Payroll.Tax.PayrollItemTaxability.GetTaxabilityRelationship(TaxTag nonTax, TaxTag tax) at
Intuit.Payroll.Engine.QBAdapter.GetDefaultTaxabilityRelationship(Int32 taxTTT, Int32 nonTaxTTT) at
UPS.PayrollEngine.PPE.GetDefaultTaxability(Int32 law, QB2005TaxTrackingType track)
<Name>Exception String 0</Name><Value>System.ArgumentException: Font ‘Arial’ does not support style ‘Regular’…
To fix this Arial font issue, you can download the European Union Expansion Font Update.
If the customer cannot download the fonts, you may be able to resolve this issue by emailing the customer the Arial (TrueType) font. Follow these steps:
- Locate and open your Control Panel.
- Open Fonts.
- Drag and drop Arial (TrueType) into an email and send to the customer. The item should appear as an attachment.
- When the customer receives the email, verify QuickBooks is closed. Direct the customer to open the attachment. An Install button should appear. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
- mIf the Install button doesn’t appear, drag and drop (you may need to Save first) the Arial (TrueType) item into the Fonts folder on the customer’s computer.
- Direct the customer to reboot their computer.
- When the computer has rebooted, restart QuickBooks.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException:Could not load file or assembly…
Repair QuickBooks. If unsuccessful, Clean install QuickBooks Desktop in Selective Startup.
Errors: 00000 99867, 00000 88703, 00000 34289. Report Header: System.Exception: exception thrown in background thread – > System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
Error 00000 99867
- An Employee’s setup contains a “blank” State. To resolve change the State to either a valid State or choose None.
Error 00000 88703
- Within the Employee setup screens the Frist and Last name of the employee is blank even though the names show in the EE list. To resolve add the missing names.
Error 00000 34289
- Employee in the employee setup has a payroll item set at a percentage when the payroll item will not allow a percentage amount. To resolve change the rate to a non-percentage type.
<Value>System.ApplicationException: The storage category map is invalid for the Local tax payroll item: f at QBIOAdapter.QBEmpLocalTaxAccessor.” in the <Name>Exception String 0</Name>
- Create an Employee With holding report.
- Click Reports > Employees and Payroll > Employee Withholding.
- Click Customize Report.
- Under Columns remove the checkmarks from the current items and place a checkmark next to Employee, Local Tax 1, Local Tax 2, Local Tax 3, Local Tax 4, Local Tax 5, Local Tax 6, Local Tax 7, Local Tax 8, Local Tax 9, Local Tax 10, Local Tax 11, Local Tax 12.
- Click the Filters tab.
- Click Active Status and select All.
- Click OK.
- Leave the report open, print or click Excel > Create New Worksheet to export to Excel.
- Create a Payroll Item Listing report.
- Click Reports > Employees and Payroll > Payroll Item Listing.
- Click Customize Report.
- Remove the checkmarks from all the items except Payroll Item and Type.
- Click Active Status and select All.
- Click the Filters tab.
- Click OK.
- Leave the report open, print or click Excel > Create New Worksheet to export to Excel.
- Compare the two reports. Look for Local Taxes that are not type other.
- Edit each employee with a tax item that is not type other. You can double-click the employee from the Employee Withholding report to open the Edit Employee window. Click the Payroll Info tab then click the Taxes button. From the Other tab remove the tax item that does not have a type other. Click OK twice to save your changes.
- Run Payroll Setup again
If you have any hassles while using these steps then you may call our QuickBooks Customer Care Number. You may even contact us via chat support or reach out to us by sending us an email @
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