In this article you will learn how to Reduce Chargebacks in QuickBooks. To know more call QuickBooks Support.
Listed down below are few simple tips to help you reduce chargebacks:
• Clarify refund and return policies- Make sure that conditions of the sale are mentioned on a receipt signed by the customer and then receive a copy of that same receipt. Display your refund and return policy near the register, where it is visible to all your customers. Explain your policy to customers at the time of the sale. Also, it doesn’t hurt to have cashiers.
• Collect CVC2 and CVV2 verification numbers – According to Visa, by doing this you can reduce chargebacks and reduce any other pass-through fee that is to be charged when there is a credit card order conducted. A 3-digit security code is located right after the credit card numberon the back of MasterCard, or most Visa and Discover credit cards. In case of American Express cards, the 4-digit security code is located in front of the card just above the account number of card holder. Entering security codes is supported by most online payment processors while processing credit card orders. This extra security measure helps you to keep yourself protected against frauds and scammers. To know more you can contact on Quickbooks support number.
• Use Address Verification System (AVS) – Address Verification System makes sure that the address have been entered on the order form is similar to the address which is on the card holder’s billing statements mailed. People those who use stolen card numbers do not enter the real card holder’s billing address on an order form. Therefore, be careful with non-matching billing and shipping addresses. AVS works only with US addresses.
• Inform your customers about what name will appear on statements- Inform your customers the name that will be appearing on their credit card statement. This will avoid a lot of confusion.
• Look for orders using free e-mail addresses- When ordering, try to o accept orders from people who use a free e-mail address (i.e. Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.). Most fraudulent orders are made using free email addresses aspeople using free email are almost impossible to track.
• Take an imprint of the credit card- For example, when the magnetic stripe of a card becomes unreadable or for delivery orders, you make an imprint of the card as a proof that the card was present. It should also be kept in the records of the transaction.
To know more on how to reduce chargebacks in Quickbooks call Quickbooks support. Also, you can write us at Feel free to reach us anytime; our team of executives is 24/7 available at your service. For more information visit,
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