Read with us to learn how to fix 3000 status code errors in QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale.
Some people may experience errors during a Financial Exchange between QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale and QuickBooks Desktop. Follow the steps based on the specific error message you see.
Note: Make sure that you have created a backup of your QuickBooks Point of Sale file and QuickBooks Desktop file before you perform these steps. |
Employee Hours Status code: 3000; Status message: The given object ID in the field “list id”: is invalid
This type of error is seen if the employee is inactive or the track data is not setup in QuickBooks Desktop.
Set up track data time in QuickBooks Financial
- Move to Employees, and then choose Employee Center.
- Find the specified employee listed on the activity log.
- Then right-click on the name of the employee, then chooseEdit employee.
- Choose the Payroll Info
- After completing the above steps check the Use time data to create paychecksbox, then choose OK.
Set up inactive employee
- Firstly, move to Employees, and then choose Employee Center.
- Under the Employees column, choose All Employeesfrom the drop-down.
- Then, look for your desired employee on the activity log.
- Right-click the employee name, then select Make Employee Active.
Status code: 3000; Status message: The given object ID in the field “list id”: is invalid
This type of error happens if QuickBooks Financial has an outdated patch.
- First step involves opening downloads and updates.
- Then Find the version of your QuickBooks.
- Choose Get Latest Update.
Error Status code 3100: Status message: the name “#######” of the list element is already in use
This error is witnessed if a customer or vendor is damaged or duplicated from either QuickBooks Point of Sale or QuickBooks Desktop.
Note: · Create a backup copy of your company files before performing any troubleshooting step. · Switch to single user mode in your QuickBooks Desktop. |
Solution 1: Find the duplicate names
In QuickBooks Desktop
- Firstly, move to Customers (Vendors)menu, and then choose Customer (Vendor) Center.
- Look for the names that are indicated in the error.
- Then, inspect for any duplicates
- If yes, merge the duplicate names
- If none, proceed with Solution 2
In QuickBooks POS
- Firstly, choose Customers (Purchasing)menu, and then choose Customer (Vendor) List.
- Then, n the search field, enter the name indicated in the error and check for any duplicates.
- After this you are required to choose I want to… ▼drop-down menu, then Merge.
- When the Merge window pops up, select the customer/vendor you want to keep and remove.
- Finally choose Merge Customers/Vendors.
Important: Transactions made on both names will be retained on the name that you will keep.
Solution 2: Fix the damaged customer (vendor) names
Create a new customer (vendor)
- Firstly, from the Customersmenu, choose Customer Center.
- Choose the New Customer & Jobtab, and then choose New Customer from the ▼ drop-down.
- Finally, enter Test Customerfor the name, leave the other fields blank, and then choose OK.
Merge names
- First of all, you are required to Right – click on the customer name, and then select Edit customer. Important:If there is a Job under the customer, hover your mouse to the Job and a blank cross will appear. Drag cross and place it under the new customer name.
- Then replace the customer (vendor) name, type Type Customer, then choose OK.
- When you will complete the above steps you will witness a Merge window, and then select OK.
- After this kindly edit the customer (vendor) name by putting in back the original name, then choose OK.
- After completing the above steps Close QuickBooks Desktop, then reopen it.
Solution 3: Re-sort lists
Status code 3140 or 3120: The specified account is invalid or of the wrong type
This usually happens when accounts are not mapped properly.
- First of all Open QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale.
- From the menu of File, choose Preferences.
- Then choose Company.
- Under Financial, choose Accounts.
- Check the Basic and Advanced tabs. Ensure the accounts are mapped correctly, then select Save. Note:An account name in brackets ([ ]) indicates that the account is not mapped.
- Finally Run a financial exchange.
Status code 3140: There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks AR/AP Account “###### – #########” in the Receipt or Bill
This takes place if the accounts receivable and payable in Point of Sale are mapped to incorrect accounts. The error prompted on your screen indicates the incorrect setting.
- There is invalid reference to QuickBooks AR Account “###### – #########” in the Receipt. The account for this transaction must be of the type Accounts Receivable
- There is invalid reference to QuickBooks AP Account “###### – #########” in the Bill. The account for this transaction must be of the type Accounts Payable
- Firstly, open QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale.
- From the menu of File, choose Preferences.
- Then choose Company.
- After this Under Financial, choose Accounts.
- Make sure the accounts are mapped to an account whose type is A/R and A/P respectively, then choose Save.
- After completing above steps run financial exchange.
Status code 3140: Status Message: There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Account “###### – #########” in the item Non – Inventory. QuickBooks error message: The expense account is invalid
This happens if the mapped item account in Point of Sale is incorrect, or the item account is inactive or deleted in QuickBooks financial.
- First of all in QuickBooks Financial, choose the Lists menu, and then choose Chart of Accounts.
- Choose Account at the bottom, and then choose Show Inactive Accounts. Note:If it’s inactive, it has an X mark beside its name.
- Then choose on the X mark or right-click the account, then choose Make Account Active.
- After above steps run another financial exchange.
Important: In case the account is deleted, create an account in QuickBooks. |
Status code 3170: There was an error when trying to modify a vendor/customer list element
This error is faced if there is a duplicate name between QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale and QuickBooks Desktop.
Step1: Check the activity log in QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale
The error contains the name of the customer or vendor. If you found the name, skip to step 2. If not, follow these steps:
- From themenu of Customers , choose Customer List.
- Then right-click a column header. Choose Customize columnsthen QB Status.
- Choose the QB Statusheader to sort the list and find any customer name with Not Posting or Error Status. Follow the same process for vendor list.
Step 2: Edit the name of the customer or vendor in QuickBooks Desktop
- From the menu of Customers, choose Customer Center. For vendors, go to Vendorsmenu, and then choose Vendor Center.
- Right-click the name listed in the Activity Log, and then choose Edit.
- Then add the number “1” at the end of the name, and then choose OK.
- Finally, Run financial exchange.
Step 3: Merge the edited names
In QuickBooks Desktop, merge the edited and new name created by Financial Exchange.
- Firstly, Double-click the edited name.
- Then remove the number “1“, and then choose OK. QuickBooks should prompt you to merge the customer or vendor to the customer or vendor created by financial exchange.
- Finally choose Yes.
Status code: 3180 Status message: There was an error when saving a Employees list, element “Employee, Name”
Learn more about Error 3180 on time sheets when performing a financial exchange.
Status code 3180: There was a problem with saving the General Journal Transaction
This is faced if:
- The voucher is damaged.
- The account that was mapped on the item/s was incorrect when the sale was processed.
- The account that is linked to the item/s is inactive.
- The account is deleted in QuickBooks Desktop.
Recreation of voucher
- Reverse the voucher.
- Re-create the voucher
- Run the financial exchange.
Rechecking the accounts
- On the Home page, choose Sales History, then take note of all the affected items.
- Move back to Home, choose Item List, and then choose Edit.
- Under QuickBooks Options, check if the account mapping is properly set up.
- In QuickBooks Desktop, make sure that the accounts affected are active.
- In QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale, chooseItem List, and then edit to configure the correct Income/Asset/COGS account in the item/s.
- Choose Save, then run financial exchange.
Status code 3180: …QuickBooks error message: A/P (or A/R) detail line must have vendor
This happens if a QuickBooks Desktop accounts receivable or payable was used to create a Paid Out in QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale. The error you received will indicate the incorrect setting.
- There was an error when saving a General Journal transaction. QuickBooks error message: A/P detail line must have vendor.
- There was an error when saving a General Journal transaction. QuickBooks error message: A/R detail line must have vendor.
- On the Point of Sale’s home page, choose Sales History.
- On the Receipt Type column, select the most recent receipt tagged as Payout.
- On the I want to… ▼drop-down, choose Reverse.
- Re-create the Paid Out using an account other than A/P or A/R.
Status code 3180: QuickBooks error message: The posting account is invalid
This happens when the wrong type of QuickBooks Desktop account was used in mapping accounts in QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale, you will receive the error:
Status code 3180: Status message: There was an error when saving an Items list, element “XXXXXXXX”. QuickBooks error message: The posting account is invalid. 140108 payment item lookup error “XXXXXXXX”.
Solution 1: In QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale
- Firstly, from the menu of File, choose Preferences
- Then choose Company.
- Under Financial, you are required to choose Accounts.
- Kindly, check the Basic and Advanced tabs. Make sure the accounts are mapped correctly, then choose Save.
- Finally, run financial exchange.
Solution 2: In QuickBooks Desktop
- From the menu of Lists, choose Item List.
- Then check each Point of Sale item in the list and ensure every item is using the appropriate account.
- Lastly, run financial exchange.
Solution 3: Rename and re-create each financial method
- First of all in your QuickBooks Desktop, move to the Lists menu and choose Customer & Vendor Profile Lists.
- Choose Payment Method List.
- Then Right-click the Cash method, then choose Edit Payment Method.
- You are required to add the letter X in the Payment Method field (XCash) and choose OK.
- Right-click the Cash method, then choose New.
- At last, name it as Cash, and then run financial exchange. Rename and re-create all payment methods if necessary.
Status code 3180: Status message: There was an error when saving a Sales Receipt
This is faced if there is a damaged payment item or if it’s the wrong type.
- First of all in your QuickBooks Desktop, move to the Lists menu and choose Item List.
- Kindly, choose Include Inactive.
- Then choose the Typeheader to sort the list.
- Rename the Point of Sale payment items.
- Right-click the payment item that begins with POS, then select choose Edit Items.
- Add “OLD” to the item name (e.g. OLD POS Visa Credit Card).
- Select OK.
- Run financial exchange from your Point of Sale.
- Then Merge the duplicate items in QuickBooks Desktop.
- Right-click the payment “OLD“, then choose Edit Item.
- Remove “OLD“, and then select OK. QuickBooks Desktop should prompt you to merge the items.
- At last choose Yes to confirm.
Status code 3180: Status message: Sales tax detail line must have a vendor
Status code 3180: Status message: There was an error when saving a Sales Receipt (or Credit Memo). QuickBooks error message: Sales tax detail line must have a vendor.
This happens if:
- QuickBooks Desktop sales tax item is not associated with any vendor.
- Account mapping of sales tax payable account is incorrect.
- The sale tax payable account is used to create a paid out.
- One or more items on receipts have the sales tax payable account (QuickBooks Desktop account) selected as the target account.
Solution 1: Make sure a vendor is assigned to the sales tax item
- In your QuickBooks Desktop, move to the menu of Lists and choose Item List.
- Kindly choose Include Inactive.
- Then choose the Type header to sort the list.
- At last make sure all sales tax items has a tax agency attached to it.
Solution 2: Check your tax preference
- In your QuickBooks Point of Sale, move to the File menu and choose Preferences.
- Kindly choose Company.
- Then under Financial, choose Accounts.
- Lastly, check the Basic and Advanced tabs. Make sure the QB Sales Tax Payable is only listed in the sales tax row. If not, change it and run financial exchange.
Solution 3: Make sure the problem receipt is not paid out using sales tax payable
- In your Point of Sale, choose Sales History.
- Then right-click any column, then choose Customize Columns.
- Kindly make sure QB Statusis selected.
- Then you are required to find the receipts that are not yet completed. If any of these receipts are paid out to sales tax payable, select the receipt, then select Reverse Receipt.
- At last, re-create the paid out using a non sales tax payable account and run financial exchange.
Status code 3260: Status message: Insufficient permission level to perform this action
This error is usually displayed if you don’t have enough access rights in your computer.
Run both applications as admin
- First of all Right-click the application, then choose Properties.
- Then choose the Compatibility tabthen put a check in the Run this program as an administrator box.
- At last choose Change settings for all users, and then check the Run this program as an administrator box.
Important: You may remove this option if you prefer not running the application as an admin but make sure to remove the ADMIN in both applications. |
Log in as an admin in QuickBooks Desktop file
In case you have logged in as a user you may need to log off the file.
- First of all move to theFile
- Then Close Company/Log off(option message change depends on version of QuickBooks)
- At last log in as an admin user.
140109: Account lookup error: “Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable” when running Financial Exchange
This happens when the A/R or A/P accounts in Point of Sale are mapped to neither A/R nor A/P accounts that can be caused by modification of Financial Exchange mapping. The error you receive will indicate the correct setting.
- 140109: Account lookup error: “Accounts Receivable”
- 104109: Account lookup error: “Accounts Payable”
- Open QuickBooks Point of Sale.
- From the File menu, choose Preferences.
- Then choose Company.
- Under Financial, select Accounts.
- Make sure the A/R and A/P accounts are mapped to an account whose type is A/R and A/P respectively, then select Save.
- Lastly, run financial exchange.
Status code 510 when running Financial Exchange
Status code 510 status message: Unable to return object; 140116: QB customer look up error: “Counter Sales” when running Financial Exchange
This happens in the remote store when Headquarters is running Financial Exchange. It can also be caused by data damage. Here’s how to fix it in your Point of Sale.
Important: Before proceeding to this steps make sure to backup QuickBooks Financial and Point of Sale. |
Step 1: Clean up data
Step 2: Verify and Rebuild both on Headquarter and Remote Store company files
Create a journal entry for receipts
At times, receipts do not get successfully transferred in QuickBooks after a Financial Exchange and you have to re-enter them.
Some of the reasons are mentioned below:
- The receipt was voided before Financial Exchange
- There’s an unbalanced payment
- Skipped due to large amount
- The receipt was sent to a different file
Step 1: Check the accounts used when setting up the affected item on the sales receipt
- From the menu of File, choose Preferences.
- Then choose Company.
- After this Under Financial, choose Accounts.
- Basic Tab: For Items
- Advanced Tab: For Transaction Accounts
Step 2: Check the accounts used for the item that had an error on the sales receipt/voucher.
- First of all choose Item List, and then find the affected item.
- Then choose Edit.
- At last take note of the accounts under QuickBooks Options.
Step 3: Mark the receipt with error as sent
- First of all move to Sales History, search for the sales receipt and highlight it.
- Then choose theI Want to… ▼ drop-down menu, then choose Show Financial Detail.
- At last, choose the Mark this document as sent
Step 4: Create a journal entry with the info gathered
You can now you will be to create a journal entry, with the use of the information you’ve gathered.
How accounts should be computed before entering on the Journal Entry
Important: The following examples are only visual representations of how it will be set up in QuickBooks after marking the transaction in POS as sent.
COGS | 100 |
Sales | 250 |
Discount | 50 |
Sales Tax | 5% |
Discounted item that had been reversed
- You can find the total amount of Sale in the receipt for the Income Account.
- Compute the discounted amount from the Total Sale.
- From the Total Sale, deduct the Sales Tax.
- Multiply QTY by Order Cost to get COGS.
- Keep in check that Inventory Asset is the same amount as COGS.
Income | 250 | |
Undeposited | 260 | |
Sales Tax | 10 | |
COGS | 100 | |
Inventory Asset | 100 |
Inventory item that had been sold from POS with a receipt
- Find the total amount foe the sale in the receipt for Income Account.
- From the Total Sale, deduct the Sales Tax.
- Multiply QTY by Order Cost to get COGS.
- Inventory Asset should be the same amount as COGS.
Income | 250 | |
Undeposited | 260 | |
Sales Tax | 10 | |
COGS | 100 | |
Inventory Asset | 100 |
- Item that had been received
- Find the total amount of the voucher. Since you paid for the item, it will be added to Accounts Payable.
- The amount of the Inventory Asset will increase since the item is received.
Accounts Payable | 100 | |
Inventory Asset | 100 |
- Item that had been “return-exchanged” for another item
- Find the total amount of the sale in the receipt for Income Account.
- From the Total Sale, deduct the Sales Tax.
- Multiple QTY by Order Cost to get COGS.
- Inventory Asset should be the same amount as COGS.
Income | 100 | |
Undeposited | 100 | |
Sales Tax | 5 | |
COGS | 20 | |
Inventory Asset | 20 |
- If there’s a different item but with the same amount on the receipt
- Important:Create an adjustment in Point of Sale with journal entry involving COGS and Inventory in QuickBooks.
- Find the total amount of the sale in the receipt for the Income Account.
- From the Total Sale, deduct the Sales Tax.
- Multiply QTY by Order Cost for you to have COGS.
- Keep in check that Inventory Asset is the same amount as COGS
Yet, are you confronting any issues in performing the steps mentioned above or the means don’t appear to be clear for you at that point contact our QuickBooks Customer Care USA agent or you may even send us an email at
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